Sunday, October 16, 2011

Welcome to My New Adventure!

    Hi! My name is Nicole. I am a single mother of a 4 year old girl named Sophia. Being in charge of the well being of a whole little person, I have a very little social life. As I have never been one to plant myself in front of the television for hours (partial lie), I had to find something to do with the quiet hours that come after my child's bedtime. I have always loved to eat and now I love to cook. While I cannot claim to be a gourmet chef, cooking has provided me with something productive to pass my time. I love to find new recipes and work my way through them. New ingredients scare me at times, but the challenge makes the finished product that much more enjoyable. I have become more aware of what goes into my body and it has inspired me to try even more new recipes and live a healthier lifestyle.
    I decided to start this blog, so I can share my life through the meals I create. Pictures of a lot of my meals wind up on facebook. I hope this can be a more in depth way to share my recipes, mishaps, and opinions on the food I cook. I cannot claim to be a chef nor a writer, but I will do the best I can at both!

One of the most rewarding benefits of my adventures in cooking is when my slow and picky eater exclaims, "Mommy, my belly says yummy!!" Hopefully if you decide to follow along with what I have to share, I can make your belly say yummy too!


  1. Recipes sound delicious and you write well too. Soph is adorable !!! This is a cute idea. U should go to school and become el chef that's barefoot in the kitchen :)

  2. Thanks Letitia!! I am having fun with it! I dont think I would want to be a chef for a living. Too much standing and rough hours. Plus if it were my job, I probably wouldnt enjoy it as much....

  3. Your Blog is making me hungry!!!

  4. Ilove your story. What a good service your doing for us women with children with little money and not alote of time to cook a nice dinner after work.Mary
