Friday, September 7, 2012

Preserving Herbs

If you have an at home herb garden, or belong to a CSA like me, you may have an awesome problem on your hands. Recently I have had an overabundance of basil! I came home from the farm last week with half a grocery bag filled with basil, AFTER split it up and gave a grocery bag to my veggie partner that splits the share with me. So much basil!! The smell of fresh basil is just a little bit of heaven in my nose. I want to bathe in the scent (no really, I have been tossing around the idea of homemade soap. How fun would that be??)

Except, after a while you run out of ideas. I have been tossing basil into everything! Omelets, soup, sauce, pesto pasta, pesto pizza, pesto chicken. Pesto Pesto Pesto. More on Pesto later, because Sophia highly enjoys helping me make pesto! But, seriously there is only so much I can do with all this basil right now.

No matter what sort of herb you have an overabundance of, you can easily save some for winter. Using your fresh herbs in the winter will be so much more of a treat than using the dried up flakes you can buy at the market.

  • any amount of herbs
  • an equal amount of water or oil
Using your blender or food processor, combine water and herbs. Blend until leaves are finely diced. Pour mixture into an ice cube tray. When frozen, transfer cubes into a freezer bag.

Drop a cube or two into your favorite soups or crock pot recipe. If frozen with oil, you can place the cubes in a pan to melt before sauteing some veggies.

There is also the option of drying out your herbs. Just tie the leaves together at the stem with some twine and hang on a hook or pin anywhere in the house. I have also done this. It makes for a nice decoration/air freshener. Once they are dry, the leaves can be ground or stored whole in your pantry.