Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Apple Nachos

Never guess where I found this recipe?? Pinterest strikes again! I am seriously addicted to this website, but for a good cause. I have been getting most of my new recipes I want to try from there, plus some sweet craft and DIY ideas as well. Anything I do, even if it is not cooking, I plan to share on here. I'm a well rounded domesticated single mommy!

One tip before we get into the apples: Whenever you use a jar of salsa, pickles, spaghetti sauce, or anything that comes in a similar glass jar - wash and save the jar. Whenever you use a can of pineapples, save the juice in your saved glass jar and refrigerate. You could even save the can from the pineapples to bake miniature cakes or breads in and literally have no waste from the whole ordeal! Being green excites me! The pineapple juice can be used for many different applications. You can add it to rice to give it a sweet flavor and pair that with ham or teriyaki chicken, for instance. Today I used mine to slow down the browning process for my sliced apples. I have read some people like to use 7-up or lemon juice to do this. Lemon juice could work, but I am opposed to using 7-up. Who wants to use unhealthy soda on their crisp healthy fruit? Surely not me! I am already knocking the health food points down by using caramel and chocolate, so there is just no room in this mix for soda!

  • apples, the amount will vary according to how large of a dish you are using and how many people you are feeding.
  • melted peanut butter
  • chocolate syrup
  • caramel sauce
  • raisins, a small snack box should do
  • pineapple or lemon juice
Slice up your apples, leaving the skin on. Using a paper towel or paintbrush, lightly coat your apples with either pineapple or lemon juice. Coat completely but do not drench. You do not want soggy apples! Drizzle your peanut butter, chocolate, and caramel generously over the apples, then top with some raisins.

You have complete freedom with this recipe. Get creative! Alternate chocolate chips for syrup. Top apples with honey and almonds. Maybe do s'mores apples with chocolate syrup and marshmallow. You can do anything your heart desires. Some of the toppings might not be the healthiest, but putting them on top of apples instead of ice cream, cake, or pie is way better for you.

These were made for a ladies poker night and everyone raved over them. I will be doing another batch for Friday. It is my mothers birthday and she specially requested them. The only problem with this dish is it cannot be made ahead of time. Id say your window of not brown apples is about 3 hours. So if you are making them for a function, start slicing up your apples about 20 minutes before you plan to head out the door.


  1. I hope you make it again. Where is the next family get together.
