Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Leftovers with Pressured Potatoes

Tonight was Sophia's dance night, which is synonymous with leftover night. Good thing she dances in the middle of the week. If she had dance on a Monday, my recipe schedule would be screwed. I combined Sunday and Monday's dinners and added potatoes. In effect, I am a very stuffed lump on my sofa shaped log.
I had one boneless rib left from Sunday. When I was younger, less responsible, and had more money there is no way I would have saved ONE rib. Into the trash it would have went. Now I am broker than a joke, so no wasting if possible. I cut this rib up into small pieces and added it with its BBQ sauce to the 2 cups of leftover Mexican Chili from Monday. I was not sure exactly how this would taste combined, but the idea of a BBQ Mexican Pork and Beans seemed like it could work. It was pretty good. I served that with the green beans from Sunday.
I also decided I wanted a baked potato. It is a shame they take so long to bake since their ingredient list consists of 2 items. Tin foil and potato. My craving got me thinking, "If only I had the means to speed up that cooking process." AHA! Enter the pressure cooker. The guidelines in my pressure cooker cook book says to cook whole potatoes with one cup of water for 5 minutes on high. Remember, liquid is VERY important when pressure cooking, since it creates the steam that builds up. I thought the water might turn my "baked" potato into boiled potato, so I decided to still wrap it in foil to protect the skin. I wound up having to cook it for 15 minutes total and performed a quick release. Worked like a charm. I may never wait the hour+ it takes to bake a potato again. I'll just pressure it. The cooking time could vary if you have a bigger potato. Mine was medium sized. Test it with a fork before serving.
With a little margarine and some sour cream, this meal left me fully satisfied. I actually went back for seconds on leftover night!

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